LIVE D.C. Sports Guys - New Year's Eve

Go to to watch The D.C. Sports Guys LIVE following the Navy bowl game at 7:00pm.

The guys will discuss the Navy bowl game, the Capitals recent trade, the Wizards losing streak, the end of the Zorn era, Maryland's loss to William & Mary and wrap up the year that was 2009.

Before the show send an email to with any questions, comments or topics you would like the guys to discuss.

Participate with the D.C. Sports Guys during the show with the Pingbox web application. Using any browser that supports flash, listeners will be able to have a one on one chat with the guys during the show. This is a two way form of communication that requires no sign-up or accounts to use. Simply go to during the LIVE show and the chat box will be located below both the video and audio only feeds. Just enter your name and message and the chat will begin.

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