Top my list. It shouldn’t be hard. Just read it, scoff at it, wonder what the hell I was thinking, then tell me why I’m crazy. That is the process for analyzing any top fill-in-the-blank list you have ever looked at, right?
Adam over at Ball Hogs Radio asked for my input for the Ball Hog’s annual Top-20 Twitter DMV Sports Twitter Follows blog. Check out the current and past lists.
I never know where or how to start, rank, or massage these kinds of lists, so I took the easy way out. I brought up the full list of the people I follow on twitter and in one pass copied any names that jumped out at me. The final tally, 18. I thought about filling out the last 2, but this is Adam’s top 20, so I left the hard work up to him.
You might look at this list and think “Kevin, what the hell are you thinking? Where the hell is ___.” I admit there are a lot of great local blogs and sports personalities I left out. Not because I don’t like them, I just don’t necessarily put them at the top of my mind when on twitter.
Plenty of blogs out there kick ass, as blogs. If most of what I see on a feed are simply coss-post links to a blog entry my eyes usually move on pretty quickly. I also skip over accounts that are mostly play-by-play oriented about a game or event. Usually I am watching the event myself and don’t need someone to tell me what I just witnessed with my own eyes. I do recognize that many people can’t watch events live and rely on play-by-play to keep up with their favorite team, just not me.
Without further adieu and no particular order here are the 20 18 twitter accounts I sent on to Adam and a little note about why I follow each. Also take a look at who made the cut here: Top-20 DMV Sports Twitter Follows.
Adam over at Ball Hogs Radio asked for my input for the Ball Hog’s annual Top-20 Twitter DMV Sports Twitter Follows blog. Check out the current and past lists.
I never know where or how to start, rank, or massage these kinds of lists, so I took the easy way out. I brought up the full list of the people I follow on twitter and in one pass copied any names that jumped out at me. The final tally, 18. I thought about filling out the last 2, but this is Adam’s top 20, so I left the hard work up to him.
You might look at this list and think “Kevin, what the hell are you thinking? Where the hell is ___.” I admit there are a lot of great local blogs and sports personalities I left out. Not because I don’t like them, I just don’t necessarily put them at the top of my mind when on twitter.
Plenty of blogs out there kick ass, as blogs. If most of what I see on a feed are simply coss-post links to a blog entry my eyes usually move on pretty quickly. I also skip over accounts that are mostly play-by-play oriented about a game or event. Usually I am watching the event myself and don’t need someone to tell me what I just witnessed with my own eyes. I do recognize that many people can’t watch events live and rely on play-by-play to keep up with their favorite team, just not me.
Without further adieu and no particular order here are the 20 18 twitter accounts I sent on to Adam and a little note about why I follow each. Also take a look at who made the cut here: Top-20 DMV Sports Twitter Follows.
@SWhyno | When I want to know what is going on with the Caps this is usually the first and last twitter account I need to look at. |
@MayHockeyCSN | The best team dedicated analyst in the DMV. |
@CindyBoren | Wit, humor and insight to everything DC. |
@MikePradaSBN | When I watch Wizards games (don't laugh) I lean more from MikePradaSBN than anyone else. |
@czabe | No BS and not afraid to put his opinion, no matter how harsh, out to the world. |
@JacksonSports | Smart, rational and realistic views of local teams, focusing most on the Redskins. When I'm yelling at the radio/TV because I can't belive what just happened @JachsonSports is uaually re-affirming my opinion. |
@michaeljenk | Best anchor on CSN and relevant tweets that will make you laugh. |
@BramWeinstein | He may have moved on to the big time at ESPN, but Bram still weighs in on plenty of DMV area stories. Although I'd love for him to put the Peyton to DC rumors to rest. |
@arielhelwani | OK, not necessarily DMV related but if you are a MMA fan you need to follow Ariel Helwani. Best MMA reporter in the business. |
@MrIrrelevantDC | Might be the most dedicated DMV sport fan, ever. |
@federalbaseball | If you follow the Nationals, you follow FederalBaseball |
@cnichols14 | Follow for the pictures, stay for content. |
@ESHJjaksClayton | Not for children Baltimore Orioles fanatic |
@MarkZuckerman | A most follow for keeping up with day-to-day Nationals transactions and news. |
@BMoreBirdsNest | Covering all the essential teams for Baltimore: Orioles, Terps, Ravens |
@tahjholden | Still following and commenting on the Terps. Plus drunk one night in Atlantic City we renamed one of Trump's casinos the Taj Ma-Holden. It makes me laugh, OK! |
@FakeKvinAndrson | When I'm going crazy watching the Terps and seconding guess if I what I'm about to tweet crosses the line, FakeKvinAndrson has usually already taken care of expressing my feelings. |
@D1scourse | I know, I know, a lot of play-by-play but plenty of analysis and comments on the DMV collegiate scene to make the follow worth while. |